Every year the club works with Sussex County Cricket Club and the ECB on the Chance to Shine (C2S) programme involving the club in excess of 100 hours of qualified coaching to children in schools around Burgess Hill. Launched by The Cricket Foundation, C2S is delivered through individual projects across England and Wales. Each project provides a structured coaching and competition programme for a group of around six primary and secondary state schools. The group of schools is supported by professional, qualified coaches engaged by one local cricket club.
Burgess Hill Cricket Club and Chance to Shine
Every Spring sees the club sending coaches into local primary schools as part of the C2S programme. This has been fundamental to the development of youth cricket in the club. Funding received for the programme has enabled the club to obtain places on ECB/UKCC coaching programmes. We now have 13 coaches who have achieved either the level 1 or level 2 qualification with a further 9 on courses this season.
The club have development good working relationships with local primary schools – Manor Field, London Meed, Southway, Birchwood Grove, Sheddingdean and St Wilfrids – in which work has been done with the assistance of the teachers and hopefully everyone now have a better understanding of the game. In the past the focus has been with Years 3, 4 and 5, which has fed into the club’s teams at U8, U9 and U10 age groups. We continue this work with many primary schools but have extended our focus to working with age groups 5 – 8. We also provide facilities for both Intra and Inter School competition and every year there are opportunity for primary school pupils to play in cricket festivals staged at St John’s Park.
For more information please contact our Youth Development Managers, Andrew Davies, Alec Hepburn or Geoff Brailey,